Friday, October 18News That Matters

Why MR. Museveni Banned Sex, Alcohol In His Camp

The only way to combat covid19 is to distance and avoid alcohol and sex activities  in our camp so that we can control and combating the spread of Covid-19

President Museveni recently said that he would not hold mass rallies because he did not want “people to die from Covid-19. He has restricted himself to small gatherings of local NRM leaders.

However another tough measure has been put in place and it will affect many people. Sex and alcohol have been banned amongst those moving with the NRM candidate.

The ban on the two activities, sources said, is aimed at maintaining focus and safeguarding members from Covid-19. It is feared that alcoholism and sexual activity could fuel the spread of Covid-19.

Some of the most affected members are security officers and members of the mobilization team of President Museveni. Journalists who dreamed of using their daily allowance to buy beer and prostitutes have been singled out.  The directive spelt out by Special Forces Command (SFC) has taken immediate effect.