Saturday, July 27News That Matters

UPDF is going in congo as a neutral force-Gen Museveni clears air.

HE. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has said that Ugandan troops recently deployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo under the regional East African Community force will only attack M23 rebels if they fail to implement a peace agreement.
Museveni said the DR Congo government and the M23 have agreed to a peace plan, and if followed, there is no need for fighting.
“We are going to be in the Bunagana-Rutshuru area, not in order to fight the M23, but to act as a neutral force as the Congolese use the time to sort out their political problems. Unless we are attacked, we are not there to fight.
Fighting may come later if one of the non-state groups does not accept peace on what we all regard as reasonable conditions,” said Museveni.
The East African Community force is meant to contain the M23 rebels who have launched attacks on DR Congo army positions since June last year and occupied several areas.
Formed in 2012, the M23 attacked DR Congo and was overpowered by government troops. It had stopped attacks until last year.
Regional leaders had agreed that M23 fighters would withdraw from the eastern areas of the DRC, but the M23 has been accused of violating the terms of the ceasefire.
United Nations experts and the European Union have accused Rwanda of backing the M23.
Rwanda has denied backing the group, which is one of the dozens operating in mineral-rich eastern Congo.

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