Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Ugandan opposition has lowered the bar from power to potholes!!!.

Persistence is the one quality that Ugandans lost at the day of creation!
Either we missed the dose in totality or few got an under dose that has had a profound effect on all our aspirations as a community.
Opposition for a while had put up a formidable force in challenging the 37 year old Presidency of Yoweri Museveni.
Hon Kyagulanyi the NUP President and new kid on the block of Opposition had amassed enough following in Buganda and the diaspora and also achieved the much sought clout of unifying other dissenting voices in Opposition.
With the Katonga based faction of FDC kiiza Besigye and Lukwago and Muntus’ ANT nolonger visitors at Kavules NUP headquarters but a coalition of sorts, I had envisaged a united formidable force to reckon with and give Musevenis NRM a bloody nose.
With NAM and G77 + China 🇨🇳 now happening in Kampala, political pressure groups now turned into money minting projects from government, I had thought this a rare opportunity to showcase to the world the bad government of Yoweri Museveni.
The opposition has not only been bewitched by the government to lose focus of fighting for power but has also influenced them to lower the bar, from demanding to change power to instead fight for funds for fixing potholes!
The fight for potholes is reminiscent to a school fees and food strike which our headboy tried to organise in Ndejje at the end of term in 1987.
He told us not to pick reports from classes as parents came to pick us for holidays because he wanted another term in office when we come back from holidays the proceeding term.
First of all, We were all anxious to go for holidays in the first place, secondly, there was no food cooked on that day to show parents the kind of food we were eating!
The fist parent who came to pick his children was told that the students are on strike, he called his son Mathew and asked him who allowed him to strike when he is not the one paying fees ?
He made him lie down on the pavement that slopes to the dormitories where we were all gazing from the windows and gave him 10 strokes!
Immediately our strike was off and we all lined up for reports!
I will never forget this day where most of us didnt know why we were even striking because none had ever talked about bad food or school fees hike!
With potholes accross Africa and beyond no leader can interpret potholes which happen every rain season and are caused by stress on the roads as bad governance.
Secondly, every Ugandan knows, as a result of the homoxetuality law the world Bank has stopped lending money to Uganda to fix these portholes on the roads, I see opposition working for government so that world leaders can reverse the decision, give more loans and fund the construction of Ugandan roads.
To me, I believe there’s a strategic move by opposition to reap from this arrangement instead of focusing on the big goal of ousting President Museveni.
Can we now say that if he fixes potholes he can have another decade in power or you have technically lowered the bar of expectations from power to potholes?
Can you instruct the NUP followers like lumbuye and others to start playing the potholes mantra instead of bad governance?