Saturday, July 27News That Matters

The world veterinary day is celebrated worldwide every last Saturday of April.

Close to 50,000 animals and pets have already been vaccinated in surrounding districts as the Northern Uganda Veterinary Association (NUVA) hosts veteranians and stake holders like National drug Authority, COVAB Makerere University, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal industry and fisheries MAAIF, Food and Agriculture organisation FAO at Amolatar’s Boma Grounds.
The day is being celebrated under the theme ” Promoting Diversity, Equity and Veterinary Profession” with a sub theme “The Veterinarian’s role in national socio-economic transformation.”
A series of a week long activities have been going on to mark the day that includes vaccinations, sensitization campaigns, exhibitions and surgical procedures on companion animals.
In a press briefing earlier in the week, Uganda Veterinary Association (UVA) president Dr Daniel Kasibule called on government to strengthen laws that ensure those masquerading as doctors are weeded out, fake drugs do not get on the market and animals are handled professionally as it affects the quality of food consumed eventually.
Kasibule stressed that the veterinary profession occupies a centre stage in the national economy. Vet services are needed for tourism, agriculture, trade, culture, finance, public health, recreation, security, sustainability and leadership sectors.
He said veteranian’s role in the success of the Parish Development Model (PDM) that government is rolling out in the country, will be crucial.
The World Veterinary Day is celebrated worldwide every last Saturday of April. Since 2008, the national veterinary association, the Uganda Veterinary Association, has partnered with UN agencies; government ministries and agencies; the private sector and NGOs to organize week-long community development activities that culminate into the national celebration day at the end of the week.
Ministry of Agriculture Animal industry and Fisheries through the Commissioner Animal health has this time provided UVA 20,000 doses of Lumpy skin disease Vaccine for cattle, 10,000 doses of PPR vaccine for Goats and 5,000 doses for Rabies.
” We are grateful for support from MAAIF,FAO, VSF-G,Bigfix Gulu,Bam Animal clinic,Iganga, NAGRIC-DB and NDA.” said UVA General Secretary Boniface Obbo.

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