Saturday, July 27News That Matters

The suspicious phone call Isma Olaxess that received before his shooting.

Investigators have started scratching their heads to get details of the the person said to have called blogger and social media critic, Ibrahim Tusuubira also known as Isma Olaxess and Jajja Iculi shortly before he was shot dead near his home in Kyanja.
According to police spokesperson, investigations have indicated that the deceased on the fateful day played football in Munyonyo before he left and used the Entebbe Expressway and later had diner at Nyakaana bar in Mutungo where he left at around 8:15pm for his home in Kyanja.
“Our cyber teams are following a lead that as soon as they left Mutungo, when they reached Munyonyo roundabout, Isma received a phone call and asked the driver to park aside because the person behind the phone was telling him to wait for him there( at round about),”Enanga said.
“ They waited for the person behind the phone call in vain as he didn’t appear and they drove home until when they reached gate where they were attacked. It is not clear whether the caller is linked to the masterminds of this murder or not but our investigations will be able to establish in due course.”
Fresh details
The police spokesperson said teams from the Criminal Investigations Directorate, Crime Intelligence Directorate, Forensics and IT directorates of police have continued to unearth details which indicate that the shooting was not a random incident but rather targeted.
In the fresh details unearthed, the police spokesperson said there were two assailants using a pistol and not a sub machine gun as had earlier been reported and these emerged from a hideout near the deceased’s home before killing him.
“The armed assailant fired multiple shots at close range killing him instantly. His driver remain unscathed despite bullets that riddled the driver’s side.”
According to Enanga, investigators used sniffer dogs at the crime scene in an effort to trace the shooters and that they followed the movement of the assailants up to the main road where they are believed to have boarded a motorcycle and escaped.
“They(assailants) dropped one glove we believe was used by the shooter and our canine was able to help recover.”
Two arrested
The police spokesperson said the deceased’s driver, Mathias Wasswa took him home but was not injured during the shooting is currently in their protective custody to help out in investigations.
“Outside the driver, we have been able to arrest two suspects .Together we have three people whom we are interviewing.”
Following the gruesome murder, many members of the public have said the blogger’s shooting could have stemmed from his social media comments.
The police spokesperson however warned the public against making wild allegations that he said might do a disservice.

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