Saturday, July 27News That Matters

The recently ordained Mukono Bishop vows to fight church land grabbers.

The new Bishop of the Diocese of Mukono, Enos Kitto Kagodo, has been ordained at a ceremony held at Bishop SS grounds in Mukono.
The Archbishop urged him to start with his successor where he left off to grow the church and help people develop themselves.
The inauguration ceremony of the new bishop of the Diocese of Mukono, started with a long line of clergy from the diocesan headquarters to the Bishop ss grounds where the main ceremony took place.
In the sermon led by Bishop Patrick Wakula of central Busoga urged the new Bishop kitto to stand firm in defending the biblical teachings. ” My brother Enos Kitto the lord has called you in the challenging times of Homosexuality, i beg you to be firm and defend the true biblical teachings”
As the norm of the church Bishop, Olwa Alfred and Dan Zoleka presented the Archbishop of Uganda, Kaziimba Mugalu, Bishop Enosi Kagodo Kitto and administered the oaths.
As per church tradition, the retired Bishop Ssebagala took over the diocesan scepter and handed over the diocesan scepter to his master Kaziimba Mugalu who handed it over to the new Bishop Kitto.
“I Bishop James William Ssebagala do relinguish the episcopal duties of Mukono diocese ” said Sebagala
After the inauguration of Bishop Kitto Enos, Archbishop Stephen Kazimba Mugalu, praised the good works Bishop Sebagala has done for the people of Mukono and urged his successor, Enosi Kitto to be humble to the sheep of God he will lead.
The new Bishop of Mukono diocese Kitto Enos noted out some challenges he will focus on such as, improving the welfare of the lay readers, reverends, he said that there is need to provide them with transport means, housing their benefits after retirement as well as creating a budget for the gospel deep in the villages.
He added that the diocese will not sit and fold its hand while its land is being grabbed, we are to use means of fighting land grabbers by developing our idle land.
In a message read out by his vice president Jesca Alupo, President Museveni thanked the church for its support to the government in uplifting the lives of the people including the construction of hospitals and schools.
Museveni urged religious leaders to encourage their followers to pursue marketable activities such as technology, commercial agriculture and ICT as they will lift Uganda out of poverty.
Bishop Kitto was later handed over a brand new Prado car donated by President Museveni.

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