Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Team Chairman’s invitation of Gen MK in Kigezi registers great achievements.

Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has since become a house hold name in Kigezi sub region, thanks to workaholic Team Chairman MK Project leaders.
The Team which invited Gen Muhoozi in Kigezi specifically Kabale to participate in a series of events aimed at celebrating the reopening of Katuna border last year.
It’s worth noting that it’s Gen. Muhoozi who negotiated the reopening of the border that was closed in 2019, with Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
Among the great achievement to be registered by General’s visit today include the commissioning of the construction of the Museveni-Kagame market in Katuna Town Council.
At the border, he will be welcomed by a group of dancers who will dance ekitaguriro.
According to Team Chairman, today, Muhoozi will also be at Kigezi High School to officiate as a guest of honor at the Thanksgiving Ceremony for the Gatuna-Katuna border reopening and he will take part in the Rukundo-Egumeho concert later in the evening.
Team Chairman MK Project, is a diligent famous group promoting the achievements and ambitions of Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
The Group organized into structural leadership from village to National level is majorly dominated by the youths, and it’s National Chairperson is Mr. Micheal Nuwagira alias Toyota, Muhoozi’s Uncle and younger brother of President Yoweri Museveni.

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