Saturday, July 27News That Matters

OPM Orders Kasaija to surrender the two missing pieces of Iron Sheets.

The Minister of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development Matia Kasaija has returned the iron sheets to the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) stores in Namanve Mukono district.
This comes at a time when two ministers have been charged and remanded ministers who include; Karamoja Mary Goreti Kitutu and State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development Amos Lugolobi for mismanaging roofing sheets that were meant for the impoverished people in Karamoja.
Appearing before the Presidential Affairs Committee of Parliament, Kasaija said he found the 300 iron sheets in his compound and didn’t know where they came from still he didn’t know that they were meant for the impoverished people in Karamoja.
He pleaded innocence saying ” please crucify me knowing that I am innocent. The iron sheets found themselves in my compound. I follow the Constitution. These questions should be focused on the Office of the Prime Minister. We are victims. I never asked for these iron sheets”.
In the process of recounting the iron sheets it was discovered that two pieces of iron sheets were missing, a thing that annoyed the CID officers, and immediately demanded to know the whereabouts of those two pieces.
Minister Matiya Kasaija’s communication manager, Tumusiime Jamil revealed that there was an error in counting the iron sheets and he said the balance will be delivered in a few days.
David Kayongo Mugisha from the Prime Minister’s Office confirmed that Matiya Kasaija returned 298 out the 300 he took, therefore demanded for the balance immediately.
Kayongo also confirmed the balance of 168 pieces from Hon. Jacob Oboth Oboth, After hours of thorough check the iron sheets were confirmed to enter into the OPM warehouse at Namanve.

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