Friday, July 26News That Matters

Tag: U.S

Trump Humiliated After U.S TV Stations Switch Off His Address  As Biden Tightens Noose Around Him

Trump Humiliated After U.S TV Stations Switch Off His Address As Biden Tightens Noose Around Him

By Our Reporter At least seven television networks including ABC, CBS and NBC, cut away from Trump's White House address Trump claimed the election was being 'stolen from him' in an extraordinary address to the country on Thursday, after realising that his rival Joe Biden was claiming the lion’s share of the votes.   He launched 17-minute tirade spelling out his conspiracy theory that 'big tech, big money and big media' were rigging the race to get a Democrat in the White House. However, TV networks NBC, CBS and ABC switched him off as he ranted, reading from a script which he had written on in sharpie He presented no evidence of fraud and hinted darkly at the blizzard of litigation his campaign has launched despite courts in Georgia and Michigan turning him down. F...