Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Relationship

It’s Healthy:  Why Achieving Your Big ‘O’ Is Good For Your Body And Mind

It’s Healthy: Why Achieving Your Big ‘O’ Is Good For Your Body And Mind

By Elite Reporter When it comes to sex, there is a lot of speculation about how an orgasm affects the brain. It’s like a little death because it's often thought that your brain shuts off during an orgasm for a little bit in that moment. But while that may be the case, that doesn't mean that the brain, in addition to the body, isn't affected by an orgasm. In fact, the brain is even more affected by an orgasm than the body and in far more complicated ways. Although it being a complex organ, there are many behaviors and reactions that experts and researchers understand about the brain, but much of the science of sex and sexuality still has yet to be explored. It Lessens Anxiety With this lowered decision-making comes lessened fear and anxiety about, well, everything. If you're...
Wake Up: How To Know You’re Settling for Less In Your  Love Life

Wake Up: How To Know You’re Settling for Less In Your Love Life

By Elite Reporter Being in a relationship can have its fair share of ups and downs, as not every single moment with your partner is going to be amazing. But how do you know if you're settling for less in your relationship? Since all relationships can have their challenges, it's important to be able to recognize the five key signs that you're settling for less than you deserve. You're With This Person for the Wrong Reasons When you find yourself settling for less, you're likely with your partner for the wrong reasons. For instance, if you're in a relationship with this person because you're afraid of being alone, you're feeling peer pressure from those around you, or because you feel obligated to stay because you've been together for a prolonged period of time, you're clearly ...