Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Tag: Edgar Watson Suubi

FUFA Gears Up Preparations Prior to 96th Annual Ordinary Assembly

FUFA Gears Up Preparations Prior to 96th Annual Ordinary Assembly

Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) is focused towards holding a successful 96th Annual Ordinary Assembly at Silver Springs Hotel in Bugolobi as hosted by Kampala region. Addressing the media at FUFA House in Mengo, Kampala, the FUFA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Edgar Watson hinted on the preparations for the AGM, a mandate of the federation constitution in compliance with the National Council of Sports (NCS). ‘We are glad to announce that FUFA will hold the 96th Ordinary Assembly at Silver Springs Hotel in Kampala region on Saturday, 17th Saturday 2020 in line with the statures of FUFA. The standard agenda of this Ordinary Assembly is by constitution. The Assembly will be held in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures of COVID-19. The delega...
UFRA Rewards Former Referees, Pass Annual Budget

UFRA Rewards Former Referees, Pass Annual Budget

Uganda Football Referees Association (UFRA) held their annual general meeting at Hotel La Grande in Bwaise, Kampala on Friday, 2nd October 2020. Some of the UFRA Members in attendence This was the 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) since 2013. The well attended assembly was chaired by the chairman, UFRA Ronnie Kalema and graced by the FUFA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Edgar Watson Suubi among other delegates. ‘We are pleased that the 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Uganda Football Referees Association (UFRA) was held successfully and key issues deliberated upon. We recognized the former referees in appreciation for the work rendered’ Kalema noted. In appreciation for the work done over the years, five former referees Charles Masembe, Agena Adupa, Hassan Basiisa, Ed...