Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Strengthening Public Communication: Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICTand ISO Director Tip Uganda’s Government Communicators.

The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, in collaboration with the Internal Security
Organization (ISO), is pioneering initiatives to refine the approach to government
communication in Uganda. This partnership is key to ensuring that the actions and
priorities of the Ugandan government are communicated effectively, aiming to
positively impact the citizenry's quality of life.
During a retreat in Moroto on March 19, 2024, Dr. Aminah Zawedde, the Permanent
Secretary of the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, highlighted the significance
of collaborative effort among government communicators. She stated, "To reach out
and effectively inform the various audiences about the government’s endeavors, it’s
crucial that we operate not as isolated entities but in a concerted manner."
The agenda of the retreat revolved around modernizing government communications
to match the pace of technological advancement and to utilize these developments
for public benefit. Objectives include enhancing the credibility and efficiency of
government communication, building public trust, and nurturing top-notch
communication talent within the government sector.
Col. Emmy Katabazi, the Deputy Director General of the Internal Security
Organization, emphasized the necessity for a paradigm shift in the mindset of
government communicators to support the revolutionary goals of the government. He
asserted, "We need to adopt a revolutionary mindset. The challenges we face are
significant, and they require us to think and act broadly, not narrowly."
The gathering also saw participation from Ambrose Byoona, CEO of Sanny Bird,
who discussed the economic and social impact of a new cement factory in Moroto,
projected to be the largest in East Africa and a major employer in the region. This
venture is expected to significantly reduce the cost of cement production and play a
role in regional community development, including food security and educational
This retreat, organized by the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance in partnership
with the ISO, was an opportunity to come up with concrete plans to improve how
government communicates with the people. The Government Communication
Officers Forum (GCOF), established in 2012, is now being revitalized to ensure that
government spokespeople and communicators work together effectively to convey
the government's social, economic, and development messages to the public.
Overall, the retreat in Moroto was a step forward in improving government
communication in Uganda. By working together, understanding the changing
technology landscape, and staying connected to the communities they serve,
government communicators are becoming better equipped to share information that
can truly make a difference in people's lives.
This collaborative retreat aimed to formulate actionable strategies to overcome the
challenges in government communication. Dr. Zawedde and Col. Katabazi's remarks

underscore the commitment to a renewed and effective communication framework
that aligns with the needs and aspirations of the Ugandan populace, promising a
future where government communication is more interactive, transparent, and