Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Ruparelia Group Unveil Patented Sanitizer To Boost Fight Against COVID-19

By Our Reporter

The fight against the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) has opened the eyes of very many Ugandans about the need for sanitizers and as such, the Ruparelia Group of Companies has produced a marketable sanitizer that is being used to boost the fight against the virus.

Mr. Rajiv Ruparelia, who is the Managing Director of the Ruparelia Group of Companies, unveiled the sanitizer, which is branded with the company’s ‘RR’ label, on Thursday, at the Crane Chambers.

This is the new Rexenol Hand Sanitizer

He revealed that the Rexenol hand sanitizer, which was approved by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) comes in several packages that include 300Ml, 500Ml, 3 and five litres, depending on the clients’ demand.

He explained that the Rexenol sanitizer will be distributed in conjunction with the Rajiv Rally team, supplied to offices in Kampala  and across the country.

The Ministry of Health urges Ugandans to wash their hands frequently with soap and water, or use sanitizer frequently to fight COVID-19.

Besides using the Rexenol sanitizer for hands,  the Ruparelia sanitizer can also be used to sanitize door handles, desks, chairs, windows and other things that people touch which can easily transmit COVID-19.

Rajiv Rally team tweeted about the new Rexenol Hand Sanitizer

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) in July certified 98 more companies to produce sanitizers, with an aim of protecting consumers from buying sanitisers that do not comply with standards and are harmful to their health, in the wake of COVID-19.

The 98 companies are an addition to the 38 companies that had were earlier on certified, bringing the total to 136 companies producing 182 brands of sanitizers.

UNBS is still providing free technical assistance together with free sanitizer and disinfectant standards to encourage local sanitizer manufacturers to embrace certification before putting their products on the market.

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a statutory body responsible for developing, promoting and enforcing standards in protection of public health and safety, and the environment against dangerous and sub-standard products.

This is aimed at protecting consumers from buying sanitisers that do not comply with standards and are harmful to their health, in the wake of COVID-19.

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