Saturday, July 27News That Matters

President Museveni to grace East African pastors conference.

President Museveni as well as American philanthropist, president and founder of Breath of the Spirit International Ministries Dr. Michelle Corral are scheduled to grace this year’s East Africa fire and anointing pastors’ conference in Kampala.
Speaking to journalists on Monday, Earnest Benjamin Kivumbi, the president of the Heal the Planet organization which has organized the conference scheduled for August 8 and 9 at Sharing Youth Centre in Nsambya, the meeting will bring together pastors from all over world.
“We expect between 600 and 700 pastors, 70 of which are from East Africa and each country of East Africa will send delegations. President Museveni is also expected to grace the conference,” Kivumbi said.
Namirembe Christian Church’s Prof. Simeon Kayiwa described it an honour for the country to host, Dr. Michelle Corral.
“She is philanthropist and that is important to us. It means she is a voluntary promoter of human welfare and uses her own resources and time. She stretches every nerve and muscle to see that we survive. It is a good thing we need this time in Uganda,” Prof.Kayiwa said.
“She is God sent to Uganda as God sees Uganda as needful of her support.”
Kayiwa said Dr. Corral comes in at a time when Ugandans are careful about people coming, especially from the west due to the weakening of the church brought about by their stance on homosexuality.
“There is a tendency by people to associate people with others but there are very many Christians I know in the West and America like Dr. Corral who are not supporters of this( homosexuality) and are just believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I therefore welcome everybody to the conference.”
He described the conference as a big occasion since it will be graced by President Museveni.

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