Friday, July 26News That Matters

5 arrested for disguising as ADF rebels.

The Joint Security Task Team, comprised of the Police and UPDF, successfully arrested five individuals accused of making violent threats targeting the business community, schools, and tea farmers in Busovo sub-county, Kabarole District.
The arrested suspects have been identified as follows: Nzabahimana Narsis (29), Baguma Ronald (22), Tusiime Jackson (25), Busobozi Richard (16), and Kagaba Derrick (14). These individuals were taken into custody from Kahuna cell, Kijura town council, Kabarole District.
According to Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson, the group had been utilizing the telephone contact number 0780498891 to issue threats towards the community and law enforcement agencies.
Enanga stated, “In their letters, they falsely claimed responsibility for the anonymous threatening letter found at River Mpanga bridge. They alleged to be part of a 30-member rebel group armed with 5 rifles, hiding in Kiamara Forest.”
These recent developments follow the ADF rebel attack on Lubiriha Secondary School in Kasese last month, which resulted in the loss of over 40 students’ lives.
“In the wake of the Kasese school attack, we have observed an upsurge in hoax threats targeting the community, schools, and businesses. As the joint security agencies, we treat each threat with utmost seriousness. We want to reassure the public that we remain fully committed to ensuring the safety and security of our communities through enhanced visibility patrols and targeted operations,” said Enanga.

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