Saturday, July 27News That Matters

President Museveni is among the few presidential candidates adhering to SOPs- EC chairman

 Most  political candidates have come out questioning the Electoral Commission’s silence on security forces blocking campaign meetings for political player’s especially presidential candidates.

Justice Simon Byabakama last week decided to write a letter to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Martin Okoth Ochola instructing the police to ensure every presidential candidate has smooth campaign meetings with zero disruption. However, while appearing on NBS Morning Breeze today, Byabakama warned the candidates that being a presidential candidate does not put them up in Heaven or even above the law. He said police cannot be eliminated from the electoral process as its role is to ensure that all candidates comply with the set guidelines. Byabakama revealed that the NRM presidential candidate President Yoweri Museveni is the only candidate that adheres to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

“Have you seen the president (Museveni) addressing mass rallies? People gather along the road waiting for him, but he drives through them,” said Byabakama. Nevertheless he said the commission still raises complaints to the NRM that some of their candidates and agents are not adhering to the SOPs.

Byabakama urged candidates to communicate to the EC whenever their campaign meetings are blocked or disrupted.

 “I am not God to know what is happening to all of you. You have to communicate.

“The only group that consistently communicates is Robert Kyagulanyi’s. We told them, if there are any issues on the campaign trail, they should inform the EC. We even gave them the hotline,” he said.

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