Friday, July 26News That Matters

Pr. Bugingo finally forgives his children.

Pr. Bugingo , his ex wife Teddy were married for more than 20 years. They started from nothing but after achieving something Bugingo decided to move away from marriage.
He started dating one of his workers Suzan Makula who he married last year 2022.
With all the children with Teddy Naluswa being old, the girls were not happy with how the father treated their mother hence speaking about him in public.
Pastor Bugingo wasn’t happy with what his children talked about him in public. Although they refused to apologise, yesterday he decided to forgive them in public and move on with his life.
According to Pastor Bugingo, what happened happened and he can’t take it back but with his children, he will have to forgive them.
“Today I am forgiving my two daughters in front of you all. What happened happened but my children are my children. I will always flaunt them in prayer everyday and ask God to give them whatever they want. I am proud of them and I know they know I love them,” Pastor Bugingo said
He said he will always put his children in prayer and ask God to bless them with everything they need in their lives.

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