Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Police shoots dead 44-year-old UPDF soldier.

A police officer in charge of the Rwerere police post in Rukungiri district has been detained for shooting dead a 44-year-old UPDF veteran.
Sgt Isidore Kabeirero shot Robert Manzi, a resident of Rubambura village on Saturday night after he threatened to kill his mother Annet Kembabazi, and his wife Christine Ngabirano using a panga.
Kembabazi alerted the police for help, and according to Kigezi Region police spokesperson Elly Maate, when the police arrived, Manzi attempted to hack the police officers as well and in the process he got shot.
“As police reached there trying to arrest him, he raised the same panga trying to cut one of them, and in the move to rescue the police officer, the other one shot and unfortunately shot him directly and he died moments later. The one who shot as we talk is in custody, while the body was taken to Rwakabengo health centre mortuary for postmortem and inquiries are ongoing and the outcome will determine the way forward,” said Maate.
According to Maate, an AK-47 rifle number UG POL 56131005438-1845 with 18 rounds of ammunition has been recovered by police while Kabeireho is held at Rukungiri police station to aid in investigations.