Friday, July 26News That Matters

2 arrested over policeman’s death.

The joint security forces have arrested the suspected killers of a police officer and also recovered a gun that they stole from the deceased with 57 live rounds of ammunition in Kaabong district.
On anuary 12, 2024, PC Moris Ochen attached to the ASTU zone deployed under a joint mobile operation squad was hacked to death by then unknown assailants, and his SMG No. UG POL 56-6503651-56725 with 90 live rounds of ammunition taken.
Maj Isaac Oware, the UPDF spokesperson in charge of the Third Division, said that following the unfortunate incident and the sudden death of PC Moris Ochen, the security forces picked a positive lead and mounted an intelligence-led operation against criminal elements in the wilderness of Kalapata sub-county in Kaabong district.
He said that on Sunday, January 14, 2024, as a result of the operation, two male adult suspects were arrested and the same gun that belonged to the deceased police officer was recovered with 57 rounds of ammunition.
“The suspects are currently held in custody at 405 Infantry Brigade headquarters, Nakapelimoru in Kotido District for further investigations,” Mr Oware said in a press statement.
Mr Oware added that they continue to remind the armed youth engaged in criminality to hand in their arms voluntarily to the security forces.