Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Police Shoot Father Dead To Stop Him From Killing Son

By Keefa Nuwahereza

The Police in Kyebando, a Kampala suburb, shot dead a man in order to prevent him from killing his  five-year-old son, whom he wanted to chop with a panga, although it is not yet known why he wanted to kill the boy.

According to Luke Owoyesigire, the Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson,

Kira Road Police Station rescued a five-year old child, who was about to be cut by the father using a machete over unknown reasons. The incident happened on Saturday 17, 2020 at around 11:00Am in Kyebando, a city suburb.

However, during the rescue, the officer discharged a bullet to disable the father, Suleiman Male, 28, but it fatally injured him.

“It is alleged that Male, a resident of Kisaasi and a crafts man, picked his only child Isamu Male, 5, from their home to Kisalosalo, Kyebando. 

Upon reaching Kyebando, he forcefully gained access to the house of a friend Ismail Ssesanga while wielding a machete.

All occupants in Ssesanga’s house fled to the nearby police station, where they reported the case.

The security officers found when Male had locked himself in one room and all peaceful efforts to demand him open the door and release the child failed.”

He added that “The officers forcefully gained access into the room he had locked himself in.

It is alleged that Male was found holding the child head down with one hand and another hand raised up with a machete ready to cut.  The officers asked him to drop the machete, the order he declined to heed to.

He went on to swing the weapon which put the life of the child in danger, prompting on of the security personnel to shoot him and he dropped the child.

The suspect died at the scene. The child has been taken to police for care as investigations continue.

The suspect’s body has been conveyed to City Mortuary Mulago for a post mortem.”

Owoyesigire also noted that “In accordance to the police standards, we have opened up inquiries into the shooting and the intention of Male.  Statements from the locals at scene and his relatives have been taken.   More details into the investigations are ongoing and we will brief the public accordingly.”

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