Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Police brings minister Lugoloobi to anti-corruption court.

The State Minister for Planning under the Finance Ministry Amos Lugoloobi has been brought for trial at court, that as been jammed by his supporters from the constituency.
Lugoloobi was arrested last week in relation to diversion of iron sheets for the vulnerable poor people of Karamoja.
Sources say that Lugoloobi has been shunning CID summons duping investigators that he is out of the country on official duties whereas not. Sources say he was arrested on his way to Entebbe and held at Kira Road Police Station.
Lugoloobi becomes the second Minister to be arrested in relation to this scandal where more than 14,500 iron sheets meant to benefit the Karamoja people under the Karamoja Community Empowerment Program were diverted to the benefit of third parties. Lugolobi, it was reported earlier, used the iron sheets the recived to roof his piggery in Kayunga.
The Karamoja Affairs Minister Mary Gorreti Kitutu was the first to be arrested and she spent two days within police custody before she could be produced before the Anti Corruption Court on April 6th 2023 together with her brother Michael Naboya Kitutu on six charges related to causing loss of property and conspiracy to defraud the government of Uganda.
Kitutu and her brother Naboya were earlier in the day granted bail by the Anti Corruption Court and they will return on April 27th 2023 for the Prosecution to inform court about the status of investigations.

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