Saturday, July 27News That Matters

99-year-old woman hanged herself inside her house.

Locals in Namutumba District were over the weekend shocked to find the lifeless body of 99-year-old Kizile Buladina hanging on a waist band in her house.
The deceased reportedly used the strip of cloth to hang herself onto the boards that slope from the ridge of a roof. The rope was tied to her neck. One of the neighbours earlier raised concern after Buladina was noticeably absent for hours unlike her usual routine.
Locals at the scene in Kimanyilo village, in Ivukula sub county were compelled to forcefully open the house after realizing Bulandina’s lifeless body.
Locals say prior to her death, the deceased complained of being alone and lonely since all her relatives are no more. She has been surviving on handouts from locals who fed and provided her basic needs from time to time.
Slyvia Tebigwayo, a women councilor in Ivukula sub county says that Buladina has been an open minded elder, who offered counsel to both the old and the young people alike with satirical briefs from the ancient times, which attracted many to her house all day long.

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