Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Panga Wielding Men Attack Home Of Mukono Member of Parliament

Shock and fear has engulfed the Mukono Municipality member of Parliament Betty Nambooze Bakireke after being attacked by unknown assailants while she was preparing to go to the parliament.
It is alleged that the Honourable Member of Parliament made an alarm and her husband Bakireke came to her rescue by grabbing the man pushing him outside. The suspect later escaped and jumped onto a motorcycle waiting for him outside as witnessed by some neighbours.
“There have been lists moving around with my name on it. People have been killed and the government is not sending any police to come and guard me until this moment.” She says
“I was preparing to head to Kampala for a shadow meeting this morning when an unidentified man came standing in my bedroom and ordered me to say my last prayer as he had come to kill me.” She says
According to some of her family members, 3 men came to her home located Nakabago ward in Mukono Municipality at around 5am on a motorcycle wearing black coats.
One of the attackers was seen waiting at the motorcycle while the other was guarding and waiting for the colleague at the gate
Nambooze narrated that she shouted for help when her husband who was in the sitting room was praying and he came to my rescue
“I made an alarm and my husband Bakireke came and roughed up the assailant they both rolled down on the stairs” Nambooze Said.
She says they used her neighbor’s fence who is always up early in the morning to jump onto her compound before accessing her home.
On reaching her home we noticed that as one of the outstanding opposition leaders, one would expect her home to have security cameras which she does not have.
She says that barely a few weeks ago she was also attacked in Seeta when coming back from Barometer, her NBS show in Kampala.
Nasser Kasiita, a neighbor, said that he saw a man dressed in black clothes pass through their gate then he entered Nambooze’s gate.
“A fews minutes later I heard an alarm from Nambooze’s house, I went to rescue and I found the man was already in the hands of Nambooze’s aid and husband and later he was arrested,” said Kasiita.
The Kampala metropolitan deputy police spokesperson noted that, police have recovered two brand new pangas in a sack at a small garden of tomatoes in the hounarable’s premises.
Luke added that police have recorded statements from relevant witnesses, The police have also embarked on viewing CCTV footage with an aim of identifying the rider.

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