Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Murderous Boyfriend Asks Mukono High Court Passport to Travel Abroad For Studies

Matthew Kirabo, a former Makerere University student who is a prime suspect for the murder of his 19-year old girlfriend Desire Mirembe asked court to give him his passport so that he can go abroad for a Masters Degree.

On Tuesday 11th May 2021, Mukono High court heard Kirabo’s application where he was requesting to get back his passport which was confiscated as one of the bail conditions. During the hearing, his Lawyer Kato Isaac requested for more time so that he can submit more documents for the application.

Kirabo, who was released on bail to complete his undergraduate course at Makerere University is currently working at Mulago Hospital, according to reliable sources.

When court asked counsel Kato where his client was, Kato told Court that Kirabo could not make it, yet he was sleeping in his car that was parked outside in the Court premises. Shortly after hearing that Kirabo was not around.

The sleeping Kirabo in his Lawyer’s car was whisked away from the premises after learning that his move was exposed.

Mirembe’s family members, who were trying to be strong, eventually broke down in tears after learning that Kirabo was sleeping in his car.

“It has been 6 years now, our sister’s case has never been heard but the murderer can go ahead and apply for the return of his passport so that he can go and pursue further studies. Uganda Law Society and Police this is a very big failure of the authorities.” Relatives revealed.

Denis Nyombi, the late Mirembe’s family lawyer said that justice has been delayed and they want the court to fix a date for hearing of the main case.

Six years since Desire Mirembe was killed, court has only sat to grant the suspect bail which has enabled him to complete his Bachelor’s degree in Medicine, Now court has sat again to hear an application where the suspect seeks to go abroad, court maintains it has no money to hear the main case.

It is alleged that Matthew picked Mirembe from her hostel Friday evening they went to jinja where it is believed that Matthew spiked her drink, rendering her unconscious after which he proceeded to strangle her. 

Mirembe’s body was recovered from a sugarcane plantation in Lugazi, Buikwe District, on July 7, 2015. Her suspected killer, Kirabo, reportedly confessed to the gruesome act.

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