Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mukono Residents Divided Over KCCA Mega Waste Landfill Project.

Mukono residents and leaders are divided over commencing Kampala Capital City Authority’s waste management project, before the establishment of the developments planned along the project in the areas of Dundu village in Kyampisi Sub County.
KCCA secured 136 acres of land to construct a modern garbage dumping site with several decomposing deep dump pits, electronic waste processing units and bio systems for energy. This site is intended to serve the entire Greater Kampala districts.
This website visited the contested area and engaged some of the residents living next to the Project.
Residents faulted their Kyampisi Subcounty leaders for fighting the KCCA Project which is about to commence, residents noted that they are going to benefit from the project by acquiring jobs, clean water and roads as promised by KCCA.
“Leaders are fighting this project not they care, but for there personal gains, they make noise such that KCCA calls them
“We were promised good roads, tapped water as social corporate responsibility from KCCA and on top of that employment opportunities to the community” Residents noted.
However, a group of middle class residents claim that dumping of waste before developing the area will cause bad odor in the area on top of contaminating water and polluting the environment.
“This is a residential area KCCA is planning to establish the project we are most likely to face the same challenges Kiteezi people are facing therefore we should not allow them to come”
The Member of Parliament Abdallah Kiwanuka urged to lawfully fight this project up to the last man standing.
All Kyampisi sub county local councils didn’t not approve this project and again they are imposing the project on people by force. We do not accept this to happen in the midst of people’s posh houses. Kiwanuka said.
Dr. Wandera Kazibwe the former vice president vowed to fight this project citing the problems the Kiteezi people are facing like the stanching poisonous smell, Kazibwe urged the government to consider doing another project on this land or look for a place with no residents.
The Daniel Nuwabine the spokesperson for KCCA, noted that Dundu is not going to be a dumping site but it will instead be a waste management site with no negative impact to the community, Nuwabine adds that KCCA is willing to sensitize the locals so that they embrace the project
“There is a need to do a lot in terms of sensitizing the locals and the leaders such that they get to understand this project” Nuwabine noted.

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