Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mukono pastors are fighting over a 25×50 piece of Land in Ngandu Village

elf proclaimed Bishop, Samuel Lwandasa of Mt. Lebanon church in Mukono and apostle Micheal Wangolo  in Ngandu Village are grappling over a piece of land measured 25×50 in size.

Trouble came when Mr. Wangolo went to pastor Lwandasa of mt. Lebanon church for financial assistance in 2015, Wangolo wanted money to meet his medical bills of 5million.

Bishop Lwandasa gave 5million on condition that they should sign an agreement that Wangolo had borrowed the money and he had offered his plot at Ngandu Village as security.

To his disappointment, Wangolo says that Lwandasa forged the agreement against the original one. 

man of God pastor lwandasa

“His agreement says that I sold him my plot which is contrary to the original one, whenever I try to take his 5 millions to him at the church he hides from me” said the complainant.

When our scribe reached out Lwandasa, he denied the allegations against by Wangolo, the errant Bishop later explained that Wangolo in his sane moods sold him the plot and he gave me the land title such that I process my own title from his.

“Iam so disappointed with my brother Wangolo to flip against me, when things turned sour I sold the plot to my junior pastor Called Watiti so I am not responsible at all”. Said Lwandasa.

When we spoke to pastor Watiti, he revealed that Wangolo had a lot of debts from money lenders, he decided to seek assistance from Lwandasa by selling off his plot to him, later Lwandasa sold that land to me and I constructed a temporary church on it.

Ever since Wangolo started doing weird things against me at my church, he pours rubbish and urine in our church, one time he threatened to cut my wife and I reported him to the police and he was arrested” Watiti explained.

The Ngandu Village chairperson Mr. Kitenda Ibrahim told Elite news that his office knows about that issue and he when two failed to consent he decided to forward them to court.

However, the local area chairman Kitenda confirmed that Wangolo sold the plot to Lwandasa willingly.

This is not the first time for Self proclaimed Bishop to be sighted in land rows, he has just lost a case against his followers, regarding the ownership of the land where my lebanon church seats.

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