Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Mr. Museveni to Bugisu leaders ‘’Reject ‘Identity’ Politics!, Sectarianism, Calls for Unity ‘’

presidential aspirant mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has urged Party leaders in Bugisu sub-region to shun identity and sectarian politics.

While addressing the leaders at Mbale Secondary School Grounds on Tuesday, November 24, President Museveni emphasizes that the NRM party is the only party that has been able to deal with the historical challenges of Uganda and Africa.

Museveni laboured to narrate the negative impact identity politics had on the history of Uganda – highlight sectarianism and religion divides.

“As young cadres, myself in DP, Late Kategaya and Ruhakana in UPC, we started questioning the agenda of identity. Why are these focusing on who you are and yet we have common problems,” Museveni narrated citing the origin and formation of NRM, a political wing of NRA.

Museveni reflected on how the NRA recruited without discrimination“We recruited boys from the present day Bududa for Mozambique in 1973. However, when I took the Bumasaba boys under Samara, they became unruly and preferred to drink ‘Obuseera’, disregarding chain of command leading up to their disbandment,” said Museveni faulting his comrades for not guiding the Bamasaaba boys and edifying the non-sectarian choice.

Museveni affirmed that identity politics were a slow genocide and boosted how NRM has built structures across Uganda with the focus to address common problems that affected everyone.

Museveni also praised the Bamasaaba folksong; sustaining that he wanted it made one of the East African songs – sending the delegates in laughter and ululation.

Tasked to explain NRM’s support for investment in Uganda, Museveni revealed that the return of the Asian properties was a tip of the iceberg to expedite investment.

“As speaker of the NRC, I advocated for the return of the Asian properties to encourage investors in Uganda, and the council listened to me. We have since encourages investment in Uganda,” Museveni sustained revealing that factories have mushroomed around Bugisu.

Candidate Museveni equally revealed that tax revenue collections have risen from a meagre UGX5bn in 1986 to over UGX21TrIillion present day (2020) in Uganda.

Museveni called for conservation of natural resources and environment to partake the challenges of climate change.

“If Japan did not have trees, they wouldn’t live on the island. Trees block the winds and hold the soils together,” said Museveni referring the winds blowing and heavy downpour amid the address.

He equally committed that the government will contribute to the rehabilitation of the Bamasaaba Palace. We will contribute to the construction of the palace; on jobs, the government will employ suitable Bamasaaba in the roles. If Bugisu votes 90percent, the pledges will double,” said Museveni sending the delegates into laughter.

Speaking to the press prior to Museveni’s arrival, NRM Flagbearer for Mbale Woman MP, Lydia Wanyoto Mutende, revealed that the party leaders had gone an extra mile to engage the voters in Bugisu.

We have been accustomed to the Kadodi dance in campaigning, but for the sake of our people amid the COVID-19, we have adjusted to ‘scientific’ campaigns,” said Wanyoto pledging that the NRM leaders were thoroughly canvassing votes for President flag-bearer Museveni.

Energy Minister Goretti Kitutu re-echoed that Bugisu require more seats at the table like other region.

We still do not have a Permanent Secretary in any ministry yet. We are rooting for higher offices for equitably for all districts in the Elgon region. We are seeking an equitable share on the national cake,” said Hon. Kitutu while addressing the press.

Museveni’s address at Mbale SS Grounds was graced NRM Vice-Chairperson Eastern Region, Capt. Mike Mukula, NRM CEC Member Wanyato, incumbent Members of Parliament and other distinguished officials from the Bugisu sub-region.

The NRM candidate challenged party leaders in Bugisu to exercise their mandate and encourage the electorate of the history of Uganda.

Notable NRM leaders that graced the meeting included, Energy Minister, Goretti Kitutu, Lydia Wanyoto, Minister Without Portfolio, Richard Todwong, among other top officials from the Elgon region.

The meeting drew leaders from Bududa, Bulambuli, Manafwa, Mbale, Mbale City, Namisindwa and Sironko.

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