Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Lukwago and group claims to have Najjanakumbi Land Tittle – Nandala laughs.

Despite the current constitutional paradox in FDC where the authority to convene a national delegates conference squarely lies with the Party National Chairman, the Secretary-General still insists that the forthcoming National delegates conference scheduled for 6th October 2023 shall go on with or without the Party Chairman’s stewardship.
Nandala says the Party shall be plunged into a leadership crisis if they don’t convene the October 6th Delegates conference since the mandate of the current leadership at Najjanankumbi shall expire on October 7th.
“We can’t go beyond 7th October because the mandate of the leadership will have expired but since have renewed all the leadership of the party from the grassroots we have remained with only the top leadership which shall be elected on 6th October” Nandala said
He reveals during the 6th October Delegates Conference they will first elect members of the National Executive Committee including the National Chairman who will consequently chair the National Delegates Conference on the same day.
The verbal exchange between Najjanankumbi’s top leadership and the Katonga faction still continues as Nandala disputes claims that the land title of Party headquarters is not at Najjanankumbi.
“I am the Party Secretary General which means I am the Party Accounting Officer, I am in charge of the assets and liabilities of the Party those who are saying they have the land title of Najjanankumbi let them show you a copy, the Katonga faction has tried everything including running to the Bank to freeze the Party accounts but they failed because the authorities know that there is only one secretary general of FDC and that is Nandala Mafabi,” he said.
Chapter 7 of the FDC Constitution section 28 vests all the powers of convening and chairing the National delegates and the National Council under the National Chairman but the October 6th National Delegates conference was summoned by the Party Electoral Commission boss Toterebuka Bamwenda which caused many questions on its legality.