Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Lord Mayor Lukwago Dumps Mao’s DP, Officially Joins Besigye’s FDC

By Our Reporter

Kampala Capital City Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago has ceremoniously quit Norbert Mao’s troubled Democratic Party (DP) and officially  crossed over to Dr. Kizza Besigye’s Forum for Democratic Change (FDC).

Lukwago, who has been one of the longtime veteran DP members, crossed to FDC after developing misundertandings with Mao, who is the DP President General.

FDC president Patrick Oboi Amuriat welcoming Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago to the party

Patrick Amuriat Oboi (POA), who is the FDC president, unveiled Lukwago on Tuesday July 28th, 2020 at the Party headquarters in Najjanankumbi, where hundreds of both Lukwago and FDC supporters had gathered to welcome him.

However, Lukwago’s joining FDC comes at a time when there is word going around that the party is considering fronting him as their flag bearer the 2021 presidential elections.

FDC supporters dance as they welcome Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago

But by the time of filing this article Lukwago had not yet declared whether he will contest for presidency on the FDC ticket or not.

Meanwhile, we have since established that anti-riot police was deployed at the FDC headquarters in Najjanankumbi to disperse the party supporters who had gathered there to welcome Lukwago because many of them were in contravention of the Ministry of Health Guidelines on social distancing as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Norbert Mao and Elias Lukwago shaking hands before they fell out

Watch out for details!

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