Saturday, July 27News That Matters

LC Chairperson on the run after defiling his 15-year-old daughter.

Police in Aswa East Region and Pader District have launched a manhunt for Christopher Ali Bongonyonge, the Local Council (LC) 2 Chairman of Acumu Ward in Acholi Bar Town Council, Pader District. Bongonyonge is accused of committing aggravated defilement against his 15-year-old stepdaughter on the night of August 8.
According to Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson, the suspect allegedly returned home and confronted the victim, and accused her of engaging in romantic relationships with local boys.
Subsequently, he reportedly coerced the victim into sharing a room with him and, later that night, awoke her up to lead him to her supposed boyfriend’s residence.
Along the way, Bongonyonge led the victim into a nearby bush and defiled her.
The traumatized victim confided in her relatives about the ordeal she had endured, leading to the swift reporting of the incident to the Acholibur Central Police Station in Pader District.
“We call upon individuals with any information pertaining to the whereabouts of the suspect to promptly contact their nearest police unit,” urged Enanga.