Saturday, July 27News That Matters

I have received baptism of fire- Minister Nandutu.

The State Minister for Karamoja has said the iron sheet scandal has been a baptism of fire to her but noted she will remain firm.
“I have been baptized with fire but I am firm,” Nandutu said shortly after being committed to High Court for trial .
Having served as a journalist for more than 10 years, Nandutu changed career to join politics when she was voted the Bududa Woman Member of Parliament in the January 2021 general election.
She would a few months later be appointed a minister in President Museveni’s government.
In an interview with Daily Monitor in 2021, Nandutu said she was shocked when her name was read among the presidential appointees in the new cabinet.
“I was shocked and soaked in disbelief. The president had picked a house girl and a person who worked as a bar-maid- President Yoweri Museveni has really followed the path of Jesus Christ,’’Nandutu said.
However, speaking on Wednesday as police officers escorted her to the court cells after being committed to High Court, she said this was a baptism of fire she had not expected when she joined politics.
Nandutu also expressed concern over the manner her case was handled when she was committed to High Court for trial over the Karamoja in record time.
“The question I am asking is that why should I be committed to the High Court when the lower court has the mandate to deal with this?”
Nandutu on Wednesday set a precedent when she became the first minister to be committed to High Court for trial over the Karamoja iron sheets scandal.
Whereas fellow ministers, Mary Goretti Kitutu and Amos Lugoloobi were all arraigned before the Anti Corruption Court , the state said investigations were not yet complete but Nandutu’s case was different.
The state prosecutor told court that that investigations into her case were complete and asked court to commit her to High Court for trial.
“Your worship, I have instructions from the DPP to have the accused committed to High Court for trial. Present with me are committal papers,” David Bisamunyu told court.
Grade one Magistrate, Esther Asiimwe consequently committed her to High Court for trial
It remains to be seen what will happen to the two ministers already charged in court over the same scandal.

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