Saturday, July 27News That Matters

I can’t beat my wife – Gravity Omutujju.

Gravity Omutujju has denied allegations from media personality Frank Ntambi over battering his wife Sharua Nakanyike.
For a couple of weeks now, Ntambi has been spreading the word about Gravity thumping his wife over a couple of issues.
The allegations seem to have unsettled the rapper who allegedly attacked Ntambi while at Radio Simba and left him with a bruised face.
Gravity allegedly also threatened to hit Ntambi with a bottle and cause more bodily harm if he continues spreading such false accusations.
Ntambi has since filed a police case against Gravity at Kira Road Police Station.
While at a press conference for his concert scheduled for 2nd September 2023, Gravity was asked about the allegations of beating his wife.
He responded by saying he has never beaten Nakanyike because she is the mother of her children and that he respects her so much.
Gravity also warned Ntambi against spreading such baseless rumors or he risks being sued because of the allegations he is spreading against his family.