Saturday, July 27News That Matters

How life of fields transformed people’s lives in Uganda

Fields of Life is a non-denominational Christian International Development organisation with twenty five years of experience of working in East Africa. We work in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan seeking to work with partners in providing sustainable community development.

We seek to communicate the focus and priorities of Fields of Life over the next five years.

Some of the activities sofa we have put in place borehole at Adullum primary School is located in the central western region of Uganda in Rakai District where people still have very limited access to safe water.

The school, and wider community, were depending on three rainwater harvesting tanks. However, this only provided enough water for one month. After it would run out they had to depend on swamp water.

This swamp was at the foot of a hill and all sorts of dirt would collect in the water especially during dry seasons. This same water source also served the animals of the area and therefore caused a lot of water related problems.

This was the 662nd Fields of Life well completed and was completed on 30th March 2018 and now provides clean, safe drinking water for the primary school and  more than 72 surrounding households.

Thank you to the generous donor who has provided this life saving gift!

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