Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Hon. Nambooze’s fall Before God May Cost Her Politically.

The Mukono Municipality Member of Parliament Hon. Betty Nambooze Bakireke came out openly and attacked the church and the Bishop of Mukono dioceses accusing him of conniving with her opponent the Municipality mayor George Fred Kagimu to take over Bishops schools with an intention of steeling the schools land.

While at the Nup offices in Mukono Nambooze blamed Kagimu of accepting to be used by the Bishop who is just 2 years to retire to take over the government schools which had existed for years. She stated that the church has destroyed these schools since the time the bishop took over them and they are now using a basket in churches to pay the teachers who used to be paid by Government.

When this sparked in the ears of the church, leaders have come out to rebuke Hon. Nambooze saying that she has no right talk on issues of the church because she doesn’t know how the church operates. The diocesan secretary Con. John Ssebudde and the Provost Rev.Con Enos Kiito Kagodo over the weekend convened a press conference to put Nambooze in her place saying that she has lost dignity in church and it’s time for the church to turn against her politically.

They stated that she should stop using the church as her political tool if she needs peace for the church decided to reclaim its schools as a foundation body to develop them which is moving on smoothly.

In a letter addressed to Hon.Nambooze from the assistant vicar Rev. David Kaggwa warned her over her sin which may result to her down fall he quoted the book of Obadiah1:3_4 “the arrogance of your heart has deceived you  who live in crafts of the rock, the loftiness of your dwelling places, who say, who will bring me down the earth? Though you build high like the eagle, from there will bring you down. Declares the lord” he finish saying that the church is ready to forgive Nambooze if she repents.

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