Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Government bans carrying of dead bodies ambulances.

The Ministry of Health has banned transportation of dead bodies in public ambulances saying that these are meant for rescuing patients who need life support.
Dr Diana Atwine, the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary says the government has put in place special ambulances that are equipped with expensive life-saving equipment that should not be misused.
“I have had people come to my office asking for ambulances to take dead bodies. I want to categorically say that our ambulances are not for transporting dead bodies. Private service people [funeral services] can handle that,” said Dr. Atwine.
She revealed this during the handover of 116 type B ambulances to various constituencies across the country at the ministry headquarters in Kampala.
The ambulances were purchased by the government with support from the government of Japan, the World Bank, and the Global Fund among other development partners.