Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Fire guts Excel vocational institute.

Six students of Excel Vocational Training Institute in Kalule, Luwero district have been transferred to Bombo Military hospital after suffocating while trying to retrieve their belongings from the dormitory during a Tuesday afternoon fire outbreak.
The fire started while the students were attending lessons. Upon discovering the flames, an alarm was raised, and students hurried to save their belongings.
The authorities promptly responded to the incident, with the police arriving at the institute to battle the fire. Fortunately, no deaths were reported.
Acting Savannah Regional police spokesperson, Sam Twiineamazima, named five out of the six students who suffocated as Kakabigwa Patrick, Kavuma Ibra, Ayubu Back, Bukenya Richard, and Sentamu Sulaiman.
Initially, the students were rushed to St. Catherine Clinic and Emmanuel Medical Center in Kalule town for immediate medical assistance. However, their conditions deteriorated, leading to their transfer to Bombo Military hospital for specialized treatment.
According to the preliminary findings by the police, the burnt dormitory had been divided into four rooms, labelled A to D. The fire originated in room A and subsequently spread to the other rooms, resulting in significant property damage.

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