Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Emyooga fund defaulters to be published in media.

The Deputy Resident District Commissioner Kanungu District Gad Ahimbisibwe Rugaju has directed the district Commercial Officer to compile a list of all Emyooga Sacco’s Loan defaulters.
The D/RDC made a directive while appealing to all who benefited from Emyooga funds in 2021 and are yet to pay back as other members wait to benefit from the same revolving Fund to improve on their businesses.
In a letter dated 19th May 2023, Gad Rugaju asked the District commercial officer to Visit all Kinkizi West and Kinkizi East Emyooga SACCOs, ensure that whoever got a loan Pays by end of May 2023 or their names be produced to be read on Radio stations and all other media outlets.
“I have directed the Commercial Officers to visit all Emyooga Sacco’s and generate for me a list of all loan defaulters. A defaulter is that person whose payment period has ended and has either paid for a few months or nothing. We will publicize their names, telephone contact, Sacco details, the amount one received and the place of the residence of that person” said Gad Rugaju.
The D/RDC confirmed to this reporter that the government has secured air time on various radio stations around the country that will be used for the purpose of naming and shaming defaulters of Emyooga funds.
He said that defaulters from within Kanungu district now have 2 weeks (14 days) to start paying before his office embarks on taking action of hunting and arresting them ahead of publicizing their names in the news.
“We have to use both approaches including printing of their names and putting them on public notice boards, banks and petrol stations and everywhere where people will see them,” Rugaju added.
When asked on where could be a background of slow recovery of Emyooga funds, Rugaju pointed to the gaps which were not filled during the formation of Emyooga SACCOs and groups at the initial stages of the program.
He also said that due to many loopholes at first some of the group leaders have embarked on bribing auditors giving them fake audited reports which he said will be swept out.
“I have intelligence information that some group leaders are bribing the auditors to give them fake audited reports but I want you to know that we know all their tactics and we shall use other external auditors and whoever is found in this forgery will be prosecuted” said Gad Rugaju.
Emyooga program is the Presidential Initiative which was launched in August 2019 as part of the broad government strategy targeting to transform 68% of homesteads from subsistence to market-oriented production with the overall objective of promoting job creation and improving household incomes.

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