Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Education ministry acts on sexual abuse claims.

The Bukalasi Secondary School headteacher, Milton Nandala Wotunya, is facing interdiction by the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda following allegations of sexual abuse involving students under his care.
In a letter dated October 24th, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Sports, Ketty Lamaro, cited that Nandala is accused of sexually abusing seven female students. These allegations are in violation of section 5(c) of the education service teachers’ professional code of conduct.
As a result of these serious allegations, the letter instructs Nandala to hand over his office, enabling authorities to initiate a thorough investigation into the matter.
Additionally, Nandala has been directed to remain accessible at all times, as he may be required to appear before the Ministry Rewards and Sanctions Committee. Furthermore, he is not permitted to travel outside the country without official permission, and his salary will be reduced by half during this interdiction period.
Rev. Canon Tom Masate, the Chairman of the Board of Governors, confirmed that Nandala has complied with the directive by handing over his office to the Deputy Headteacher, Ruth Kakayi.
According to an anonymous police officer, a case of defilement has been officially reported under reference number SD07/09/07/2023. The source revealed that the report was filed by the father of one of the victims, an S.5 student who became pregnant as a result of her alleged relationship with Nandala. The police are also investigating reports of threats made against the victim’s father by members of the community.