Saturday, July 27News That Matters

EBOLA: Experts have worned as no of cases rises.

5 Suspected Ebola cases in Kyegegwa district (1 death reported)
1. A 6Yo Child has died today in Kyaka 2 Refugee Settlement Camp after complaining of fever, diarrhea and vomiting for 2 days. The Child was brought to the Camp health facility, a malaria RDT done and was negative so the Child was given paracetamol. On noticing no improvement, the parents of the Child brought him back to the health facility, a B/S was done and malaria parasites were seen. The child was put on I/V Artesunate, he improved, asked for black tea and passed on after taking the tea.
2. A herbalist from Kabalungi village, Bugongo town council, Bugongo Sub county, Kyegegwa district is complaining of severe headache, fever, abdominal pain and joint pains for 2 days. This herbalist at his shrine attended to a Child from Mubende district that died 3 days ago of suspected Ebola in Mubende district. This Child’s mother, a business woman from Mubende that vends clothes in different markets, also died.
3. The Grandmother and Uncle of the Child mentioned above attended to the body of the Child and complaining of fever, abdominal pain and headache. They are saying they cannot go to a health facility because it is far and the Bodaboda riders out of fear cannot transport them to the health facility.
4. A 30Yo Male Ugandan National from Kasule village, Kasule Sub County has been admitted to Bujubuli Refugee Camp Isolation unit complaining of passing blood stained diarrhea, vomiting with blood, headache and general body weakness for 5 days and a temperature of 36.70C and a BP of 118/160. The suspected case has no history of travel in the last 21 days. NB; Kasule Sub County is near Mubende.
NB; Further investigations and sample collection on-going.
Rwenzori RPHEOC working with Kyegegwa District Health Office to produce a SpotRep and SitRep.

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