Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Corruption and maladministration crisis hit Old Kampala Senior secondary school.

The Inspector General of Government (IGG) has started investigations into alleged corruption and maladministration against the board of governors and former management of Old Kampala Secondary School.
According to a letter issued by the IGG’s office, it will also investigate poor management of the school, bad working relationships between management, teachers, and students, and poor performance which have since frustrated the growth of the school.
Some members of the board of governors and those of staff are being accused of underminding office of the headteacher and have used their influence to conduct scandalous activities which have since crippled the development of the institution.
The activities of this group, according to the source have greatly affected the progress of the institution.
“The whole administration has been messed up by these cliques of people and they are inciting some staff members to defy the guidance of the headteacher and other school organs. They control all the finances and it is not easy for anyone to stand in their way,” said the source who preferred being anonymous
These cliques, the source claimed went to an extent of wanting to oust the headteacher through a board of governors’ emergency meeting which was held on November 10 2022. This is the same group that incited violence at Old Kampala SS in 2017.
Stephen Wandera, an OB of the school said the group is headed by a one Ronald Leonard Egesa who was the former Old Kampala Students Association ( OKOSA) chairman and Patrick Musinguzi.
This is the very group that insisted on the transfer of Aziida Nsubuga the then headteacher of Old Kampala SS in 2017, after she had asked them for accountability of the money collected from students and questioned how this money benefited the school in development.
Currently, Egesa reportedly fled to Dubai trying to seek asylum because the government is also hunting for him on the allegation of committing different crimes in the country.
The chairperson of OKOSA, Joseph Liminya said that in April 2021 Egesa group was completely voted out to change the image of old students of the school however, they had penetrated the board.
“Currently they are using the school board of governors we found in place to grow their private companies using school funds and resources, sufficient evidence will be out after the audit. Such unlawful acts have greatly affected Old Kampala SS,” he said in his letter addressed to the First Lady who also doubles as Minister of Education, Janet Kataaha Museveni.

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