Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Bugiri mother gives birth to a stone.

In what could be described as the most shocking development of the year, a mother has given birth to a stone-like mass in Bugiri district leaving residents and medical personnel in shock.
Hellen Namukose, 24, a resident of Nagongera village in Buliidha Sub County, Bugiri district is gradually recuperating following an operation to remove a 10.5 kg mass from her womb in what was earlier believed to be a pregnancy.
According to Dr. Kasaizaki Geoffrey who led the operation team, the patient had realised that there was something wrong with her health but was unable to seek expert medical help for lack of money.
Kubingi Janet, the patient’s mother and attendant narrated the painful ordeal her daughter has undergone for over a year with an unrecognizable disorder.
She says they had earlier believed her to be pregnant in mid-2022 but started seeing the red flag when she continued bleeding from her private parts even as the perceived pregnancy approached seven months.
” It got us confused which prompted us to seek medical attention at our local health centre in Buliidha. The medics there, however, allied our fears by confirming that my daughter was indeed pregnant and all was well,” she recollects.
When they returned home, however, the situation worsened. The stomach was increasing in size at a terrible speed with no signs she would soon give birth.
Kubingi further contends that when their desperate visits to hospitals paid no physical dividends, they resorted to seeking spiritual interventions which led them to a Pastor.
” When he prayed for her, the stomach disappeared and we thanked God for it.” she narrates.
This, however, didn’t last long. In June, the condition returned, and with more fury this time.
” It moved like something was living inside her. She felt a lot of pain when she sat and the weight made her uncomfortable. When she slept on one side, the thing inside of her would collect on one side and make her almost unable to stand up without support.” The teary mother told this website.
As the condition deteriorated, they sought help at Rippon Hospital in Jinja where a CTR scan recommended an urgent operation. The problem, however, was that there was no money to procure an operation.
Like a miracle, out of potions, they heard over the radio that there would be a medical camp in their neighborhood where treatment was expected to be free.
” When I heard that there would be free treatment here at Nankoma, I couldn’t believe my ears. I had been told that it would cost us at least six million to be able to save my daughter which money was obviously out of our reach,” she adds.

Dr Kasaizaki said the mass extracted from tNamukose weighed 10.5 kilograms and that the operation which ran for 3 hours had been a huge success.