Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Beyond Boundaries: Unleashing Creativity at the MTN MoMo API Hackathon

The stage is set, the countdown has begun, and the excitement is palpable as the third
edition of the MTN MoMo API Hackathon returns with a bang. This year, the theme is
clear: “The <Hack is Back! /> Think bigger, think broader, and create mobile
experiences that transcend the ordinary.” As the technology landscape continues to
evolve, MTN MoMo is once again at the forefront, inviting developers and entrepreneurs
to harness their creative prowess and reimagine the possibilities of digital finance in
Unveiling the MoMo Hackathon:
The MoMo Hackathon is an eight-week coding fest that beckons developers and
entrepreneurs to rise to the challenge, conceptualize innovative solutions, and bring
their visionary ideas to life by utilizing MTN MoMo’s APIs. This dynamic event provides
a unique platform for participants hailing from Ghana, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Cameroon,
Rwanda, eSwatini, Congo Brazzaville, Guinea Conakry, Zambia, Benin, South Africa,
South Sudan, Liberia, and Nigeria. These talented individuals will showcase their
innovation, creativity, and technological acumen while leveraging the MTN mobile
money (MoMo) API platform.
Broadening Objectives for the Future:
At the heart of the MoMo Hackathon lies a multifaceted objective—fueling economic
growth through tailored financial and digital solutions that cater to diverse consumer
needs and businesses of all scales. MTN MoMo’s steadfast dedication to building
cashless and digital economies is a driving force, ensuring financial services that are
affordable, inclusive, comprehensible, and comprehensive. The hackathon stands as a
testament to MTN MoMo’s unwavering commitment to bridging the financial services
gap, transforming economies, and uplifting millions of lives across the continent.
Reimagining Finance: Why MTN Organizes the Hackathon:
The MoMo Hackathon embodies the very essence of MTN’s ethos—to transcend
barriers through collaboration. MTN MoMo recognizes the power of partnership,
engaging stakeholders ranging from financial service providers to regulatory authorities,
entrepreneurs, developers, and technology providers. This united front is dedicated to
elevating economic and social well-being across Africa.
Crafting Mobile Masterpieces: How the Hackathon Operates:
The journey to innovation begins with a simple step—registration on the official portal – From there, participants submit their ingenious
ideas online, which must encompass an idea title, problem statement, approach, and an
overview complete with a diagram showcasing the prototype mock image and business
model. This comprehensive approach ensures that each entry is well-rounded,
impactful, and aligned with the hackathon’s visionary spirit.
Unveiling New Capabilities: V2.1 and V2.2 of MoMo APIs:
MTN MoMo’s relentless pursuit of excellence culminated in the introduction of enhanced
MoMo API capabilities:
• Notification as a Service: Delivering personalized SMS notifications post-
• KYC as a Service: Empowering businesses with the ability to verify customer
identities without intermediaries.
• Authentication as a Service: Paving the way for businesses to utilize MoMo
PINs for customer consent and authentication.
• Channel As A Service (Caas): Enabling businesses to customize submenus
within MoMo USSD and App channels.
The Stage is Yours: Who Can Participate?
In the spirit of inclusion, the MoMo Hackathon opens its doors wide to all those who
revel in coding and creativity. Entrepreneurs, companies, and developers across the
participating countries are warmly invited to demonstrate their ingenuity, harnessing the
potential of the MoMo API platform.
Charting Key Dates and the Path Ahead:
• Online Registration and Idea Submission (August 17th – September 18th,
2023): Participants can register and submit their innovative ideas during this
period. Register at
• Idea Evaluation (September 18th, 2023): Submitted ideas will be sent to OPCO
for evaluation at HackerEarth.
• Top 12 Selection Announcement The top 12 teams will be selected and
informed about their selection.
• Top 12 Event at Outbox Hub (September 22nd, 2023): An in-depth interaction
for the top 12 selected teams to interface with MTN MoMo’s support teams,
ensuring clarity and refining their concepts.
• Prototype Phase (September 29th, 2023): A crucial phase where the top 12
teams will develop and refine their prototypes—a proof of concept that tests the
product’s design and functionality.
• Evaluation of Prototypes (October 16th, 2023): The close of the Prototype
Phase will lead to the evaluation of prototypes.
• Judging Event and Winner Announcement (October 27th, 2023): The grand
culmination where the top innovations will be showcased, and the winners of the
MoMo Hackathon 2023 will be announced at OUTBOX.

This revised timeline provides a clear path for participants, ensuring ample time for idea
submission, evaluation, prototype development, and the final judging event.
Prizes: Fueling Growth and Recognition:
In the grand tapestry of the MoMo Hackathon, winning is not just a triumph—it’s a
gateway to growth and acknowledgment. Prizes include:
• 1st Prize: USD 5,000
• 2nd Prize: USD 3,000
• 3rd Prize: USD 2,000
Additionally, all participants gain access to a vibrant community of developers spanning
the African continent, along with the chance to network with seasoned experts.
The Outbox Hub Partnership and How to Register:
In this remarkable journey, MTN MoMo partners with the Outbox Hub. To participate in
the MoMo API Hackathon 2023, developers and entrepreneurs are encouraged to
register on the official hackathon portal. Registration remains open until September
18th, 2023, at 12:59 AM EAT.
Embracing the Message of MTN’s Ambition 2025:
The hackathon echoes the essence of MTN’s Ambition 2025—leading digital solutions
for Africa’s progress. The journey towards a digitized future is marked by the
transformative power of technology and innovation in promoting financial inclusion and
driving economic development, particularly for underserved communities.
Staying Informed and Joining the Innovation:
For those eager to dive into the future of finance and innovation, registration and
information can be found on the official hackathon portal. Join the MoMo Developer
community to stay updated and be a part of this exciting journey of transformation.
In the grand tapestry of Africa’s digital progress, the MoMo Hackathon 2023 is a vibrant
thread weaving innovation, collaboration, and financial.