Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Besigye ordered to stop using FDC colors.

The opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has announced that it is indefinitely cutting all ties with the Katonga Road-based “People’s Government” faction.
As a result, FDC President Patrick Amuriat Oboi told pressmen on Monday that going forward, the party will no longer participate in any activities involving the “People’s Government.”

“This may only resume when the conflict between the two is resolved,” he added.
The party recently split into two factions, one at Najjanankumbi led by Amuriat, and the other at Katonga Road under founding father Col Dr Kizza Besigye.
The split was a culmination of longstanding disagreements over money which Amuriat and Secretary General Nandala Mafabi were accused of receiving from President Yoweri Museveni during the 2021 elections.
The Katonga Road faction would later elect Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago as its President.
Addressing the press, however, Amuriat said they would not tolerate party members “pretending to be what they are not” by continuing to use the party colors and insignia.
“They continue to issue illegal notices using FDC-headed paper, use party symbols, slogans, and colors, and continue to brand themselves as such,” he said.