Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Armed robbers steal cows from Hoima farm.

The Police in Hoima are investigating circumstances under which armed robbers invaded and stole two cows from a livestock farm at Bigando village, Nyakabingo parish, in Buseruka Sub County in Hoima district, Western Uganda.
According to the Albertine Region Police Spokesperson, ASP Julius Allan Hakiza, the incident occurred onTuesday , June 6th, 2023, at around 2a.m. when Daniel Talemwa, 50, went to guard his animals, and there came five people wearing overcoats.
In the process of flashing the torch, Talemwa managed to identify one of them being armed with a gun.
Hakiza said the herdsmen took to hiding in fear for his life and when they came back in the morning to do stock checking, they found out that two cows had been stolen from the kraal.
The regional Police mouthpiece says efforts to look for the suspects are ongoing since no one has yet been arrested.
He has advised cattle keepers to guard their cattle jealously and report any case of theft to the immediate police station.
Hakiza adds that due to the rampant cattle theft in the district, some thieves are now using toy guns while others have real ones and after stealing cows they transport them in vans to black markets which he did not reveal.

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