Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Another Covid 19 Medicine Discovered By Gulu University, Cures in 72 hours

With the Covid-19 pandemic ravaging on, the country’s top learning institutions have engaged in a race to bring forward remedies to the horrific pandemic. The leading Universities in Research and Innovations have showcased their worth in working round the clock in various ways to mitigate the ruthless virus.

The latest development is by Gulu University that has delivered good news of hope with a discovery of a Covid-19 Herb that allegedly cures corona virus in 72 hours. The herb (Covilyce) is awaiting approval from the National Drug Authority but has already worked wonders on over 100 patients.

Dr Alice Veronica Lamwaka, the principal of the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Centre of Excellenc at Gulu University says the University’s herbal COVID-19 treatment drug will be on the market very soon. She says they have an organized and professional way to handle the sale of this drug.
“We shall have a professional and organised way with the university handling the sale of the medicine,” she emphasized.
However, Dr. Lamwaka said they are still manually pounding the herbs using mortar and pestle because they don’t have a grinder, and are manually packing the herbs because they don’t have a production line.
The price of the newly discovered medicine is Shs 30,000–150,000/dose depending on severity of the condition and therapy combinations

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