Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Woman kills husband with saucepan during an argument.

Police in Arua city have arrested a one Mary Asianzu Racheal, aged 30 years, for allegedly hitting her husband Rogers Mundua aged 35 years to death.
Reports indicate that the couple returned home at around 2 am after enjoying a night out at Carnivore Royal Pub Ediofe on Easter Sunday.
Josephine Angucia, the West Nile region police spokesperson, said that they returned home drunk and started quarrelling which resulted in a fight.
Angucia further explained that it was during the fight that the wife hit the husband with a saucepan which made him fall down unconscious.
The husband was rushed to Arua Regional Referral Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The wife, who is a tailor at Ediofe trading center was arrested on murder charges. The body of the deceased was handed over to the relatives for burial
According to the police Annual Crime Report 2022, a total of 301 cases of murder as a result of domestic violence were recorded last year.

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