Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Reason why President Museveni took Muhoozi with him to Russia.

President Museveni has taken with him, the First Son, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba to Russia where he will among others attend the second Africa-Russia summit set for July, 27 and 28 in St. Petersburg.
According to sources familiar with the matter, Museveni was accompanied by Gen Muhoozi who is also the Senior Presidential Advisor on Special Operations as he flew out for the summit that kicks off tomorrow.
Whereas the exact reason for taking with him Gen Muhoozi is not clear, those in the corridors of power say this is part of the wider strategy by Museveni to introduce his son to the diplomatic world and the likely allies he will need should he seek a political future.
Muhoozi has publicly shown interest in Russia.
For example in March, at the peak of the Russia-Ukraine war, he tweeted and vowed to send troops to Moscow to defend Russia President Vladmir Putin.
“Call me a Putinist if you want, Uganda should send soldiers to defend Moscow if ever it was threatened by imperialists,”.
“The West is wasting its time with useless pro-Ukrainian propaganda.”.
Just last month, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba met Russian Ambassador to Uganda, Vladlen Semivolos with whom they discussed matters about strong bilateral relations between Uganda and the Russian Federation and reviewed our countries military-technical cooperation agreement.

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