Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Why NRM lost in Oyam by-elections.

Here are the critical observations I can give for now as follows:
I believe that NRM genuinely won the bi-election because its results in 3polling stations were changed by the EC Agents (NRM Electoral commission has evidence).
NRM had challenges internally as a Party. When NRM announced for expression of interest, about 10 people picked interest to contest in NRM. This was already a bad sign. By the time NRM got a flag bearer, the rest could not fully support him. were not.
The late Hon Minister had serious issues in the Constituency that ranges from religious differences, many unfulfilled pledges, intimidation and arrogancy. He was accused by local people of arrogance and intimidation. All these affected the NRM Candidate.
NRM went to the ground with a new candidate against an old UPC candidate because the UPC lady had ever contested with the late Minister in 2021 elections. She almost defeated the Late Minister. Whereas she needed no introduction to the Constituency, the NRM candidate was new to the voters and NRM didn’t have enough time to campaign.It had only 2weeks.
The UPC used much more money than NRM and NRM Secretariat Leaders wondered where the money came from.Actually with the help of police, NRM arrested many UPC Diehards with a lot of cash.
NRM Members busy fighting with MK Movement members ..The nrm flag bearer was also the candidate for MK Movement.Many NRM Members rejected him on that group but it’s also true that many MK Movement supporters decampaigned the NRM Candidate because he was supported by NRM.
Minimal involvement of ISO led to the poor performance in Oyam..
The Electoral Commission wanted to make up after the Bukedea bi-election and they were non-cooperative with NRM.Electoral Commission officials avoided engaging with NRM Leaders ever since the president letter on bukedea by-election circulated on social media.
The Office of the NRM National Chairman didn’t not fully participate in oyam by-election.
Lastly ,I commend the NRM Secretariat especially the the Rt Hon Richard todwongo, the National Treasurer Hon Barbra Nekesa, Hon Dombo Emmanuel and others for reaching out to all NRM structures in oyam.This is not a loss but a clear message that NRM Groups must unite and work together..The MK Movement factor is a big challenge to the NRM…The worst for NRM Should be expected in 2026.

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