Saturday, July 27News That Matters

Uganda organizes up to record the country and continent’s greatest feats.

The Uganda and Africa Books of Record are expected to be launched in April this year. The books according to organizers will recognize record holders in different disciplines including but not limited to sports and historic moments in Uganda and Africa.
The CEO Uganda Book of Records Alex Kayima says the Book of Records has been published in 12 international languages.
He says, “The books will be the first of its kind in Uganda and Africa. I got the idea after realising that in Uganda or even in Africa, we do not keep records and yet records are set. All the records we have about our history and achievements are written for us by foreigners, why can’t we write our own records?”
Alex Kayima is the Uganda Book of Records executive director and brains behind the production of the books. He said that his love for sports and the lack of documented records of the different Ugandan sportsmen inspired him into starting research in 2004 about the different records which he has now compiled into a 460 pages book which he hopes will be updated annually.
Kayima says the books will be a source of continental pride because they are written by Africans for Africans.
He said he aspires to reverse the indifference Africans feel about their own history and in time revolutionise records management through the Africa Book of Records and the Uganda Book of Records.
He hopes that these books will included documented information on technology, rare feats, science and innovation, arts, sports, education, business, discoveries, etc.
Kayima said that documented great feats would encourage Africans to continue to strive and cultivate a culture of performance.
UBR board member Joseph Kagoro said the books and Africa Records Awards gala will help in marketing the country internationally.
Kayima, urged government to come on board and support this new initiative saying it puts Uganda high on the International scene. Uganda’s world record holders like Joshua Cheptegei and John Akii Bua among others will be recognized.
Published in the United States by Indiana based publishing house Author House, The Africa Book of Records and the Uganda Book of Records are the official premier record books for both Africa and Uganda.
The Africa Book of Records has been published in 12 international languages, English , Germany , Arabic, French, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Amharic, Korean, Russian and Mandarin.

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