Saturday, July 27News That Matters

The Day To Remember.

The shrill of the bell caused pandemonium at school ,what was the anormaly. Each student asked what had prompted the school assembly at such an awkward hour. The vigour with which the time keeper rang the bell showed that there was a problem. We assembled in straight queues in our respective classes. The assembly was as silent as a grave yard. We were dumbfounded on seeing prefects carrying bundles of sticks to the assembly, we knew we were to face the music. The teachers were ensconced on a raised platform. They wore doleful faces which showed that there was a grave offence committed by one of us.When I saw my father walking towards the assembly, flanked by the deputy headmaster, it dawned on me that I was in trouble. I shuddered and I lost consciousness. The usual procedure was not followed during that extra ordinary assembly. No prefect was given a chance to address the assembly not even the head prefect.
The deputy headmaster addressed the assembly first. Every student kept quiet for they knew him as a strict custodian of discipline. He said that such acts did not only ruin the future of the students but also transited the school.After beating around the bush for some time, he hit the nail on the head “Tinah s.4 come in front”He ordered in avoice which was capable of awaking the dead, there was murmuring from fellow students as I ascended on the rostrun.
The letter was written to Tinah by her boyfriend, he said brusquely. There was a lot of shooting from senior one student who demanded him to read it to them, I was paying the price of being abraggat.
Dear sweet heart, he began reading the letter it was as if a cherished team had scored awining goal. There was a mixture of mocking applause, catcalling and cheering the deputy headmaster gazed at the assembly that had gone out of hand. He waited for it to calm down. When the hullabaloo died down, he proceeded to read the letter. My palpitation had become incredibly fast. Handn’t been the guidance of teachers l wouldn’t have made it.
BY Christine.

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